Routine Dental Examination

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At your first visit to First dent multispeciality dental clinic chennai, we do a complete dental examination, discuss a treatment plan with you and give an estimation of the treatment costs. We give first preference to your main complaint then we follow up with the other treatments as per the treatment plan.

A Routine Dentistry Examination Includes The Following:

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Examination of the tooth
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Examination of the gum
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Other soft tissue examination

Examination Of The Tooth:

The dentition is completely checked first by dentist, and teeth present or missing is recorded.   Cavities, broken fillings, crowns and other restorations on the teeth are checked. Mobility of the tooth is also assessed and recorded.

Examination Of The Gums:

In the  examination of  gums , the gingiva or the gum is inspected for its color, contour, consistency and  it is probed to measure the depth of the pockets surrounding the tooth which is a sign of gingival disease. Any swelling or ulcer over the gums, if present, is recorded by dentist.

Soft Tissue Examination:

The purpose of the soft tissue examination is to find out lesions, tumors (benign or malignant) or any other changes that are present in the oral tissues. It can be treated successfully by First dent chennai dentists, if we detect it in early stage itself.
A soft tissue examination includes complete visual examination and palpation of tongue, cheeks, floor of the mouth, roof of the mouth, And also for the salivary glands.
It also includes the examination of the head, neck, face and for the enlargement of lymph nodes by First dent chennai.

Radiographs- X Rays To Detect Dental Caries And Gum Problems

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Many diseases of the teeth and other oral tissues cannot be detected by dentist visual examination alone.  At First dent chennai a radiographs (X-ray) is taken to find out

Dentist Chennai Bullet2Decay present in between the teeth or beneath the old fillings or crown
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Cysts , abscess and  tumors
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Bone diseases
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Developmental anomalies of the teeth

The dental problems that are found out by First dent dentist chennai, at an early stage will save time, money and also the tooth. Radiographs (X-rays) help to save your tooth and also your life 

Cleaning & Tooth Whitening - Get That Radiant Smile Back!!

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Professional Cleaning:

Oral hygiene helps to maintain good oral health and so the general health. Poor oral hygiene leads to severe dental and medical problems. Regular dental cleaning helps to prevent these problems and gives you whiter smile.

Prevention Is Better Than Cure. Dental Cleaning Helps In Prevention Of Following Diseases:

Dentist Chennai Bullet2Dental caries
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Bad breath
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Gum diseases
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Periodontal diseases that leads to loss of teeth
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Oral cancer
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Heart disease

So, visit your dentist once in six months and have your teeth cleaned. After cleaning, the teeth are polished to smoothen the enamel and prevent accumulation of deposits over the teeth.

Tooth Whitening:

Tooth Enamel is the hardest tissue that protects the tooth from wear and tear. But as age progresses the enamel is worn off due to chewing, trauma and acids that are released from the food. The Enamel becomes thin and shows off the yellow color of the Dentin. During chewing many cracks occur over the Enamel because of the chewing forces. These cracks are filled up with stains and debris that gives the tooth a dull, lifeless appearance.
Teeth whitening or Bleaching remove the stains and debris from the cracks and they are left opened. Some of the cracks are remineralized by the saliva; some are left opened in which the organic debris get collected. So tooth whitening cracked tooth should be crowned and make you whiter smile.

Tooth Whitening
Tooth whitening is a cosmetic procedure performed for patients who desire a brighter and whiter sparkling smile.
Tooth whitening is done to reduce discoloration and staining, which are caused by smoking, tea, coffee, other drinks and poor oral hygiene or simply to provide the patient with whiter, brighter teeth.
Teeth whitening or Bleaching:
Two types of Bleaching system are available. They are
 In office Bleaching system (done in the dental clinic by the dentist)
 Home Bleaching system (done in home by the patient itself with a customised tray provided by the dentist)
People typically have their teeth whitened to improve their appearance. Whiter teeth are associated with beauty and a healthier lifestyle. When people have a brighter smile, they tend to smile more often and are less self-conscious.

In addition, a whiter smile tends to minimize the appearance of facial wrinkles, giving way to a more youthful and energetic appearance.

Finally, a whiter smile gives people to whom you are speaking a place to focus on and gives you a friendlier appearance.
Although bleaching is very effective, there can be short term disadvantages, such as sore gums or sensitivity of teeth from the bleach. This disappears when bleach use is discontinued. Some individuals are more chemically sensitive. If you are one of them, inform your cosmetic dentist so that you can be tested for sensitivity to the bleaching agent.

Research indicates that bleaching is completely effective in more than 78% of people. In cases of serious teeth discoloration, bleaching may not be the best choice. Veneers or crowns may be the superior choice. Bleaching is usually the first solution to try due to its lower cost.
Photo Gallery
Case No 1:
Case No 2:
Before Whitening
Before Whitening
After Whitening
After Whitening

Composite Restorations, Inlays And Onlays

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Find Your Filling Blend In With Your Tooth!!

Fillings are done to restore the decayed portion of the tooth. Nowadays tooth colored fillings are available.
Previously Amalgam was used to restore the carious portion of the tooth; the black colour of the filling material was aesthetically not acceptable. Moreover, research studies proved the fact that the mercury used in amalgam restorations caused toxic effects. Nowadays amalgam fillings are not used, instead tooth colored restorations, like composite resins are used. Composite restorations have good bonding strength, longevity and great compressive strength to withstand the chewing forces of mastication.
The inlays and onlays are done on the teeth that are extensively damaged by decay or to save the fractured teeth.

Children Dentistry - Let Them Grow Without Fear Of Dentistry!!

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Pedodontic Dentistry is a branch of dentistry which gives specialized dental care for children under the age of sixteen. First dent chennai dentists teaching the children about the oral care and dentist treatment to prevent tooth decay (known as preventive dentistry) is also included in Pedodontics.

It  Includes:

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Behavior management and dental education
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Monitoring eruption and shedding  of teeth
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Routine dental check-up
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Diet consultation
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Fluoride application of teeth
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Tooth cleaning & polishing
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Restorations and tooth-colour filling of deciduous teeth
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Pit and fissure sealants for the permanent teeth
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Space maintainer, space regainer
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Root canal treatment and stainless steel crown of the deciduous teeth
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For unco-operative children/children with behavioural difficulties & kids below 5years of age, the dental treatment can be done with "Sedation Dentistry".

Orthodontics - Braces To Correct Crowded And Malaligned Teeth!!

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Orthodontics ChennaiOrthodontics Braces Chennai
First dent chennai orthodontic dentistry is to correct the misaligned teeth (proclined teeth, spacing in between the teeth and crowded teeth). Orthodontics dentistry is done to improve the appearance of the patient, for cosmetic reasons and also to improve the functions like biting, chewing, and speech.

First dent chennai orthodontics dentist includes maxillofacial surgical procedures to revitalize the facial appearance by reshaping the jaw, lips and the neck.

Malaligned (Crowded Or Proclined) Teeth Causes

Dentist Chennai Bullet2Food accumulation which leads to plaque and calculus formation
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Dental caries
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Gingivitis
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Periodontitis
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Difficulty in eating
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Slurred speech

Orthodontics dentists helps to solve all these problems and regain the oral and general health.

Periodontics - Stop Bleeding Gums!!, Strengthen Teeth!!

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Periodontics  is a branch of dentistry which deals with the supporting structures (gingiva, cementum, periodontal ligament and alveolar bone) of the tooth.

Food accumulation on the tooth forms hard deposits over the tooth which enhances bacterial growth which leads to gum infection or the bleeding gums.

Gum infection or bleeding gums is the common cause for the loss of the tooth. It makes the gums swollen and loose which in turn makes the tooth mobile and sometimes cause periodontal infection (abscess) . All these problems are treated in chennai arun dental art Periodontics dentist.

Dentist Chennai Bullet2Scaling and root planing
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Crown Lengthening
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Depigmentation of gums
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Gum countouring & reshaping
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Frenectomy
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Gingival curettage
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Osseous surgery
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Soft tissue graft
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Bone graft
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Flap surgery
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Guided tissue regeneration

Endodontics - Break Myth That Root Canal Are Painful!!

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Each tooth has soft tissue in a space that is present in the centre which is called – The Pulp. The pulp supplies nutrients and nerves to the tooth. It extends upto the root tip. When the pulp is diseased or injured, the pulp tissue dies. If it is not removed, it may lead to infection which leads to tooth loss. After the removal of the pulp, the root canal is cleaned and sealed off to protect it. Then a crown is placed over the tooth to make it stronger.

Root canal treatment is a simple procedure which helps to save your teeth and your smile without any discomfort. It takes one to three visits to save the tooth by RCT(Root Canal Treatment).

Root Canal Treatment:

Dentist Chennai Bullet2An opening is made through the crown of the tooth into the pulp chamber.
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Then the pulp is then removed. The root canal(s) is cleaned and shaped to a form that can be filled.
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Medications may be put in the pulp chamber and root canal(s) to help get rid of germs and prevent infection.
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A temporary filling will be placed in the crown opening to protect the tooth between dental visits. Your dentist may leave the tooth open for a few days to drain. You might also be given medicine to help control infection that may have spread beyond the tooth.
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The temporary filling is removed and the pulp chamber and root canal(s) are cleaned and filled.
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In the final step, a gold or porcelain crown is usually placed over the tooth. If an endodontist performs the treatment, he or she will recommend that you return to your family dentist for this final step.

Cosmetic Dentistry

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First dent Chennai Cosmetic Dentistry is done  to improve the patient’s facial appearance and the smile with Sedation dentist. With the help of cosmetic dentistry one can smile confidently.

Cosmetic Dentistry Includes:

Dentist Chennai Bullet2Tooth colored Fillings - Fillings are done to restore the decayed tooth or damaged teeth. This tooth colored fillings (composites and porcelain like materials) does not show out which gives your teeth a natural appearance.
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Bonding – Broken or cracked tooth can be corrected by the Bonding procedure. Composite filling material which looks like tooth enamel is applied to the surface of a tooth, then it is shaped, contoured, and polished, making the crack or the broken piece invisible.
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Teeth Whitening - Teeth whitening is the most commonly done cosmetic dentistry procedure. we first dent chennai dentist helps you to remove the stains (which are caused by smoking, coffee, tea, other drinks and poor oral hygiene) and gives you a brighter & whiter smile.
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Tooth Jewellery-A non invasive tooth decoration is a brilliant way to add sparkles to ur smile and stand out of crowd.Because there is no drilling involved they wont harm your teeth & no side effects. These are bonded to the front surfaces of upper anterior teeth & can be easily removed without any damage to tooth structure.
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Ceramic Laminates/Veneers-ceramic laminates are thin shells made of ceramic that are bonded onto the front surface of prepared anterior teeth

-Do you have discolored/chipped tooth/cracked tooth?
-Crowded/worn tooth/uneven spaces between teeth?
-Intrinsic stains like 'tetracycline staining' or 'Dental Fluorosis/Enamel Flurosis'
-These can be corrected with ceramic laminates/veneers.

Crown And Bridges - Replace Missing Teeth; Get Your Crowns Done In Style!!

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A crown fits over the entire top of the tooth above the gum line. Crowns cover, protect, seal and strengthen a tooth. A First dent dentist chennai recommend crown is needed when a filling of tooth just will not work. In First dent chennai crown may be made of gold, white porcelain, or porcelain fused to gold or zirconium.

There Are Many Situations That May Call For A Crowning Of Teeth:

Dentist Chennai Bullet2Large decay. If a tooth has decay so deep and large that a filling will not stay, or if the tooth structure is weakened, a crown must be placed on the tooth to save it.
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Large old fillings. When large old fillings of tooth break down, or get decay around them, they usually need to be crowned. It is important to crown a tooth that has been structurally weakened to prevent a cracked or broken tooth. Once a tooth breaks, it may not be possible to save it.
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Cracked tooth. When a tooth is cracked, a filling will not seal the crack. A crown has to be placed over the tooth to hold it and the crack together. If a crown is not placed on the tooth, the tooth will become sensitive to chewing pressure, or will eventually break. It is important to crown a cracked tooth before it breaks, because in some cases a broken tooth cannot be crowned and must be extracted.
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Broken / Fractured tooth. A tooth that has broken is usually too weak to hold a filling. A crown will hold the tooth together and prevent it from breaking again. If the fracture involves the nerve, Root Canal Therapy may be required before the tooth is crowned. In some cases, a broken tooth cannot be saved and must be extracted.
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Sensitive teeth. Teeth that are very sensitive, either from a lot of "wear," or from receded gums, sometimes require crowns to seal and protect the teeth from hot and cold sensitivity.
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Root Canal Therapy. A tooth that has undergone Root Canal Therapy will need a crown to properly seal and protect the tooth. A tooth with Root Canal Therapy is more brittle than a tooth with a healthy nerve and blood supply. A crown provides the necessary support to the tooth.

A Permanent Bridge Replaces One Or More Missing Teeth. A Bridge Will:

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Keep teeth from drifting into the space created from a missing tooth
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Help preserve normal function and normal bite for the jaw joint
A Permanent Bridge is usually anchored to the teeth on both sides of the space from the missing tooth. This gives the bridge strong support. Brushing a bridge is no different than brushing natural teeth, but special flossing instructions are given to keep the bridge and surrounding tissue healthy. We at first dent chennai our dentist makes your oral health best.

Complete Dentures - Happy Smiling, Happy Chewing!!

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When Most Or All Your Natural Teeth Have Been Lost, Dentures Provide Many Benefits:

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Restore your self-esteem
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Regain your eating ability
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Aid speaking ability
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Give support back to the lips and cheeks (giving you a natural and younger appearance).
Types of Complete dentures:

Complete Denture - complete dentures is placed by dentist in the patient's mouth after all the teeth have been extracted and the gum tissue has healed. Healing takes anywhere from a few weeks to a few months by dentists, depending upon the patient.

Overdenture - An Overdenture usually requires that at least 2 roots be kept. These roots may be used to hold the dentures in place by placing inserts in the roots and in the dentures. The denture then attaches to the roots. These roots also give support to the denture and help retain the ridge the denture sits on.

Implant-Retained Denture - An Implant-Retained Denture is the type of dental prosthesis that uses implants as anchors. We may suggest conventional implants to support your denture or MDI-mini implants designed only for dentures.

Immediate Denture - An Immediate Denture is placed the same day the teeth are extracted by dentists. The advantage to an Immediate Denture is that the patient does not have to be without teeth during the healing period.

Partial Denture - A Partial Denture or "removable bridge" replaces one or more missing teeth, but there must be teeth remaining for the partial to attach to. Unlike a Fixed Bridge, a partial is removable. A partial will prevent other teeth from shifting, preserving your remaining teeth.

BPS Dentures - Bio-functional Prosthetic System
What does BPS mean?
Biofunctional: The most important demand on your denture is to reproduce the functions of the natural teeth during mastication and speaking to a very high extent.

Prosthetic: BPS promotes the fabrication of quality dentures.Only certified dental technicians are authorized to fabricate BPS dentures after thorough analysis of your individual situation.

System: BPS dentures are fabricated of especially coordinated materials. The excellent cooperation between the dentist and the BPS certified dental technician enables the optimum analysis of your personal data and their use for the fabrication of distinctive BPS dentures.
Complete Dentures
Types Of BPS Dentures:

Partial Dentures: Partial Dentures are removable and are attached to the natural teeth by means of clasps.
Combination Dentures: These are combined fixed and removable dentures.
Hybrid Dentures: After root canal treatment, posts are cemented into the tooth. They are then used as anchors for the removable dentures.
Removable Implant Dentures: Implants are inserted into the jaw bone, with the help of which the dentures are held in place. The wearing comfort is especially high for patients, as is the masticatory stability.
Complete Dentures: Complete dentures are for completely edentulous patients. The entire dentition is reconstructed using artificial teeth and the gingiva- with colored resin.

Advantages of BPS Dentures over Conventional Dentures:
 BPS Dentures reproduce the functions of the natural teeth during mastication & Speaking to a very high extent.
 The patient will get a well fitting denture which is stable during functions like chewing, eating, & speaking because the processing of the denture is done by continuous injection moulding technique.
 Even harder foods can be consumed immediately after denture insertion.The usage of high quality teeth sets & the work in the articulator according to the BPS principles makes BPS dentures a masterpiece.
 BPS dentures has high fracture resistant and 25 years clinical approved material.
Identification of a BPS Denture:
A genuine BPS denture will have a BPS logo incorporated in the denture.
Photo Gallery
Case No 1:
Case No 2:
Completely Edentulous
Completely Edentulous
Patient's old denture (Conventional)
With BPS Dentures
With BPS Dentures

Implant Dentistry

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Implant Dentist Bring Back Your Confidence With Teeth As Close To Natural!!

Implant Dentistry is an advanced branch of dental practice. A dental Implant is an artificial root placed into your jaw to support the artificial tooth that is replaced. Dental Implants are basically miniature screws made of bio-compatible material called "Titanium" that are placed in jaw bone under local anaesthesia. After an initial period of 3-4 months dental implants undergo a biological attachment with bone called 'Osseointegration' which allows the dental implants to be loaded with artificial tooth
Dental implants is a conservative treatment because we do not take support from the adjacent tooth like fixed partial denture. Dental implants gives you will a feel of natural tooth being present and provide highest comfort level during chewing food. Dental implants are the best solution to replace missing teeth.

Dental Implants Has Many Advantages. They Are:

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Conservative- (does not involve the adjacent teeth).
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Cost effective – (only one tooth cost is taken, unlike Fixed partial denture in which cost of replacing tooth and the neighboring supporting tooth is used)
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Improved function(Dental implants function just as well as ur own natural teeth)
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Improved dental hygiene.
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Better dental aesthetics
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Patient comfort – (Will give you a natural feel).
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Affordable- (implants are cheaper by cost)
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Simple surgery done in local anesthesia

Immediate Implant
The Conventional method of Dental Implant placement involves extraction of the Decayed tooth/Root stump, then a healing
period of 6-8 weeks . After the healing period the Implant is placed into the pre-drilled bone under local anaesthesia and
sutures are placed , the sutures are removed after a week time. After 3-6 months the Dental Implants undergo a biological
attachment with the bone called “Osseo integration” which allows the implant to be restored with an artificial tooth.
In case of Immediate implant in most instances, extraction of teeth is done with the least trauma possible, preserving the
extraction socket walls and implants are placed immediately in the extracted socket,sutures placed and an immediate
temporary crown is provided, after a week the sutures are removed.Then after 3-6 months the Implant is restored with an
artificial tooth.
Advantages of immediate implants:
Post extaction alveolar bone resorption is reduced, thus providing improved functional and esthetic results.
Shortening of treatment time and number of dental visits since the two phase surgery is not there.
Patient acceptance is good and the psychological stress is avoided by suppressing the need for repeat surgery for implantation.
Limitations of immediate implants:
Cannot be done in case of infected tooth /site .
Implant bed preparation is more difficult.
Bone augmentation procedure might be required in some cases.
Photo Gallery
Case No 1:
Case No 2:
Root Stump
Extracted Socket
Root Stumps
Extracted Socket
Implant Placement
Implant  Placement
Implant Placed
Sutures Placed
With Temporary Crown
Extraction of Root Stump
Implant 2 Placed
With Temporary Crown after Suture Removal

Minor Oral Surgery - Shed Your Fear In Shedding Teeth!!

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Minor Oral Surgery is a field of dentistry that is used to correct the dental problems surgically.

The Surgical Procedure Includes :

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Extraction of the badly decayed or damaged tooth
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Removal of the impacted tooth
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To place implants
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To repair fractures of jaw and other facial bones
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Biopsy of the oral lesions
Dentist Chennai Bullet2To repair cleft lip and cleft palate
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Orthognathic surgery to correct the facial appearance
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Smoothening the bone to help in fit of the denture Drainage of pus from an abscess

Night Guards And Mouth Guards Treatment

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Happy Sleeping!! Happy Playing!!

Basically, night guards treatment are orthodontic (removable) habit breaking appliance, designed for “mouth breathers”. They enable the patient to breathe normally through nostrils and prevent mouth breathing. They are custom made and usually advised for children with mouth breathing habit. Mouth breathing children are advised to place the mouth guard inside their mouth during the nights, for a few days.
Mouth guards treatment are appliances designed for boxers. They are placed inside the mouth during boxing game, to prevent any injury to the teeth and other oral tissues, by the opponent.

Sedation Dentistry / Sleep Dentistry

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Sedation Dentistry offers pain free or anxiety free dental treatment in a completely relaxed state through conscious sedation.

Sedation Dentistry Is Recommended For:

- longer procedures/multiple procedures in one session. - Young patients with behavioural difficulties.
- For unco-operative children/kids below 5years of age.
- Patients with 'Dental Phobia' or severe 'Dental Anxiety'.
- Medical conditions that cause involuntary movements such as 'Parkinson's/Cerebral Palsy'.

Types Of Sedation Dentistry:

» Oral Sedatives
» Inhalational -Nitrous oxide/Laughing Gas-Most common sedative technique.
» Intravenous and
» Intramuscular.

                               BRACES TREATMENT

Orthodontics is a specialist branch of dentistry that is concerned with the development and management of irregularities and abnormalities in the teeth and jaws. Many people are confused as to the difference between orthodontists and dentists, but orthodontists have undergone several years of further training in order to qualify as specialists in orthodontics.

The field of orthodontics largely focuses on treatments such as tooth straightening using orthodontic braces, as well as problems pertaining to the jaw. The aim of orthodontics is to produce a healthy, functioning bite, creating higher resistance to disease processes and improving your personal appearance. Many patients find that orthodontic treatment contributes to both their mental and physical wellbeing.

Braces are appliances or devices used to make these corrections.
How do braces straighten crooked teeth?
Braces use steady, gentle pressure over time to move teeth into their proper positions. They don't look like they're doing much just sitting there. But in fact, every moment or your orthodontic treatment, there's something happening in your mouth. The brackets we place on your teeth and the main arch wire that connects them are the two main components. The bracket is a piece of specially shaped metal or ceramic that we affix to each tooth. Then we bend the arch wire to reflect your 'ideal" bite-what we want you to look like after treatment. The wire threads through the brackets and, as the wire tries to return to its original shape, it applies pressure to actually move your teeth. Picture your tooth resting in your jaw bone. With pressure on one side from the arch wire, the bone on the other side gives way. The tooth moves. New bone grows in behind. It may look like nothing is happening but we're making a new smile here. Thanks to new materials and procedures, all this happens much quicker than ever before. It's kind of an engineering feat.
Benefits of Braces
• Better appearance of teeth, smile and face
• Improved self-esteem, confidence, well-being and feeling of acceptance
• A more even bite
• Easier to clean teeth
• Reduce risk of injury to protruding front teeth
• Improve growth in a positive manner
• Correct harmful habits
• Better jaw alignment, proportion and function
Who can perform orthodontics?
While it is perfectly acceptable for you to receive orthodontic treatment from a dentist, many dentists prefer to refer patients to specialized orthodontists at Thangam's who are qualified in the exact field of dentistry relating to the problem.

                                      ROOT CANAL TREATMENT

Your endodontist uses root canal treatment to find the cause and then treat problems of the tooth's soft core (the dental pulp). Years ago, teeth with diseased or injured pulps were removed. Today, root canal treatment has given dentists a safe way of saving teeth.

Root canal treatment is mainly performed for two main reasons. The first is infection. An untreated cavity is a common cause of pulp infection. This untreated decay usually erodes the enamel and dentin of the tooth and leads to a root canal. This allows bacteria to infect the pulp. Antibiotics can't get to infections inside teeth. The inflammation caused by the infection reduces the blood supply to the tooth. The reduced blood supply also keeps the pulp from healing.

The second reason for a root canal is damage to the pulp that can't be fixed. Trauma or a fractured tooth can damage the pulp. So can a lot of restoration, such as several fillings placed in the same tooth over a period of time. Sometimes, common dental procedures, such as preparing a tooth for a crown, can hurt the pulp. Then the tooth might need a root canal.

If root canal treatment is not done, an infected tooth may have to be extracted. It is better to keep your natural teeth if you can. If a tooth is missing, neighbouring teeth can drift out of line. They also can be overstressed from chewing. Keeping your natural teeth also helps you to avoid other treatments, such as implants or bridges. Also, if you ignore an infected or injured tooth the infection can spread to other parts of your body.

Having root canal treatment on a tooth does not mean that the tooth will need to be pulled out in a few years. Once a tooth is treated, it almost always will last the rest of your life.
The procedure is usually performed using local anaesthetic. If the pulp is infected, anaesthesia may not always be necessary because the tooth no longer has any feeling. The affected tooth is wrapped in thin rubber (called a 'rubber dam') to prevent contamination of the root canals. The decayed portions of the tooth and any affected filling are removed. The pulp or pulp remnants are extracted. The dentist uses a special drill and small instruments to thoroughly clean and shape the root canals and to remove bacteria, pus and debris. The root canals may need to be shaped or hollowed out to ensure a smooth interior surface. The interior of the tooth is flushed with disinfectants and then dried. If the root canal is not infection free, it may be medicated and the tooth sealed with a temporary filling material. You may have to wait a few weeks, or even months, before the pulp canal is filled. If the dentist feels bacteria are still present at your next appointment, the cleaning procedure may be repeated and the tooth once again packed with medication. This stage will continue until the dentist feels the tooth is free from bacteria. The infection-free root canal is then sealed with long-lasting barrier materials (the root filling), usually a rubber-based material called 'gutta-percha'. The tooth then undergoes restoration and the biting surfaces need protection – an artificial biting surface for the tooth is fashioned out of regular filling material.

In many cases, where there is considerable loss of the tooth structure, there may be a need for an artificial crown made from porcelain or gold alloy or other materials. The duration of the treatment depends on the amount of infection present. The treatment can be completed in a single appointment or may require more than three appointments.

The main symptoms of root canal are:
1.Severe toothache
2.Presence of tenderness in your gums near a tooth
3.Pain and swelling in your gums near a tooth
4.A tooth that is partially or completely darkened following a trauma

Your restored tooth could last a lifetime, if you continue to care for your teeth and gums. However, regular checkups are necessary. As long as the root(s) of a treated tooth are nourished by the tissues around it, your tooth will remain healthy.

                                             DENTAL CROWNS

Dental Crowns - the Tooth Caps!

Dental Crowns or Teeth Crowns are dental restoration caps which are fitted on a portion of tooth lies above the gums. In this way dental crown becomes external surface of tooth giving it required protection and beautiful looks.

As we get older, many of us discover that our teeth that are no longer as structurally sound as they were in our youth. Your regular dentist will usually be able to recognize problem areas which may lead to tooth damage and a need for dental crowns. If the entire surface of the tooth is damaged, but the root system has remained intact, your dentist will usually suggest that a dental crown be put in place. Dental crowns are also capable of replacing missing teeth entirely. The dental crown is secured to the teeth on either side using a bridge section which connects the two dental crowns.

Metal Free Dental Crowns

Metal free dental crowns are becoming popular nowadays. Such crowns look very natural. With metal free dental crowns we can do restoration matching shape, the colour / shade and light transmission as same level of other teeth.

I.P.S. Empress, I.P.S. e.Max, Procera Ziconia, Procera Alumina and Vita Inceram are some of the popular treatments nowadays.

Dental Crown Procedure

Dentist needs to take impression of your tooth in order to make suitable dental crown. Actual making of dental crown takes place at lab where the impression is sent. A temporary crown is installed and you will wear this until the permanent crown has been made which usually takes about two weeks. The cement colour used for your permanent crown must be the same as used for your temporary crown as the colour of the cement does affect the overall colour of a porcelain crown.

When you return for your second appointment the permanent crown will be cemented onto your tooth. The dental crown should last for ten to fifteen years. The placement of a crown can usually be completed with only two appointments. However, it is possible that your tooth may require a preliminary restoration. In order to stabilize your tooth, a filling will be put in place prior to placing a crown due to the loss of original tooth structure.

Results of Dental Crown Restoration Process

Teeth - Before Dental Crown Placement

Teeth - After Dental Crown Placement

Teeth before metal free dental crown placementTeeth after metal free dental crown placement
Teeth before dental crown placementTeeth after dental crown placement

Dental Bridges

A dental bridge is a false tooth which is fused between two porcelain crowns in order to replace a missing tooth. Each dental bridge is custom made to fill in the space. If spaces are left unfilled the surrounding teeth are liable to drift out of position. Furthermore, spaces from missing teeth can cause your other teeth and your gums to become far more susceptible to tooth decay and gum disease. In case of missing teeth, you need to discuss dental bridge procedure with our dentist.

Dental Bridge Procedure

In order to place a dental bridge, patient need to receive a mild anaesthetic to numb the area and your dentist will prepare the teeth surrounding the open space. If these teeth already have fillings, part of the filling may be left in place to provide a solid foundation for the dental bridge. An impression is made and from this model a dental lab will create the bridge, false tooth and crowns.

You will wear a temporary dental bridge in the mean until you return for your second appointment. Your new bridge will be fitted and adjusted before being cemented to your teeth. Dental bridges can reduce your risk of gum disease, help correct some bite issues and even improve your speech. They require your commitment to serious oral hygiene, but will last as many ten years or more.

Results of Dental Bridge Process

Teeth - Before Dental Bridge Placement

Teeth - After Dental Bridge Placement

Teeth before dental bridge placementTeeth after dental bridge placement

Dental Crown and Bridge give your teeth strength, and help you keep healthy

Broken, eroded or missing tooth can affect your looks and there are chances of food particles to stay in corners and cause cavity. With dental crown and dental bridge treatment you can solve this problem. This treatment makes your mouth look good as well as stay healthy.

                                        ROOT CANAL TREATMENT

Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment, Endodontics, is the area of dentistry concerned with treatment of the dental pulp (the tooth's soft core). Years ago, teeth with diseased or injured pulps were extracted. Today, endodontic treatment gives us a safe and effective means of saving teeth.

The pulp is the tissue that contains the nerves, arteries, veins and lymph vessels of a tooth. It lies within the dentin where the pulp extends from the pulp chamber in the crown (the portion of the tooth visible above the gums) down to the tip of the root by way of the root canal. All teeth have only one pulp chamber, but teeth with more than one root will have more than one canal.

When the pulp is diseased or injured and unable to repair itself, the pulp dies. The most common cause of pulp death is a tooth fracture or a deep cavity that exposes the pulp to saliva. The bacteria found in saliva cause infection inside the tooth. Left untreated, the infection eventually causes the pulp to die. Pus can build up at the root tip, forming an abscess that can destroy the supporting bone that surrounds the tooth.

Procedure of Root Canal Treatment

Local anaesthesia is always given prior to treatment so that you will be completely comfortable. An opening is then made through the crown of the tooth into the pulp chamber.

The pulp is then removed carefully from both the pulp chamber and root canal(s). The root canal(s) is cleaned, enlarged and shaped to a form that can be filled.

Medication may be put in the pulp chamber and root canal(s) to help eliminate the bacteria.

A temporary filling will be placed in the crown opening to prevent saliva from getting into the chamber and root canals. You might also be given antibiotics if infection is present and has spread beyond the end of the roots(s).

The temporary filling is removed. The root canal(s) are then filled and permanently sealed with a natural, biocompatible material, usually gutta-percha.

A crown made of porcelain is placed over the tooth to restore structure, function and appearance.

Root Canal Treatment Steps

Single Sitting Root Canal Treatment

In some endodontic cases, it is now possible to provide root canal treatment in just one sitting. Though such cased need to be properly selected. Also the clear understanding should be there for basic concepts of all the phases of planned treatment. ProTaper system is proving boon in Endodontics.

1 comment:

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